
principal system中文是什么意思

  • 基本体系



  • 例句与用法
  • There are three principal systems by which governments fund their universities
  • The agency - principal system , caused by the separation of ownership and management right , will surely lead to the problem of operator motivation and restriction
  • During the past fourteen years , i have held position as manager of systems planning and development , principal systems analyst , and manager of computer operations with so - and - so municipality
  • Any organisation , from a business enterprise to a football club , can actually be considered as a " whole " composed of several correlated subsystems determining the overall outcome of the principal system
  • In this thesis , the met hods of comparison research , qualitative analysis and the combination of positive philosophy and standardized research , the theories of economics and management are used to make systematic and comprehensive analysis of the agency - principal system of soe based upon the research results of the theories and the borrowing and absorbing the advanced thoughts of the theories of modern agency - principal system of the western countries according to characteristics of china ' s enterprises and situations of china , and to make a deep and detailed research of the key issues of the incentive and restriction mechanism of operators
  • In this thesis , the methods of comparison research , the combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis , the combination of positive philosophy and standardized research , the theories of economics and management are used to make systematic and comprehensive analysis of the issues existing in the state - owned enterprises based upon the research results of precedents and the borrowing and absorbing the advanced thoughts of the theories of modern agency - principal system and corporations " property right of the western countries . and then point out the feasible method to reform the state - owned enterprises that is the management hold some stocks in the state - owned enterprises
  • Man ' s needs could be changed . 7 if the principal system of a school leads the teacher ' s attention to the pursuit of life conditions , s / he would care for her / his own benefit by cent ; and if the school system turns her / his attention to the creation in teaching activities , they would devote themselves whole heartedly into the career full of wisdom
    人的需要是可以改变的, [ 7 ]如果学校的主要制度是把教师注意引向对生活条件追求的话,教师也会斤斤计较一分一厘的得失;如果,学校制度把教师注意引向教学活动中的创造,教师就会把全部的身心投入到这一充满智慧的事业之中。
  • Hand the claim right to the residue to the operator can achieve the goal of motivation . but the operator ' s control over the claim right to the residue also causes some problems . by analyzing the character of agency - principal system in china , this thesis put forward a series of solutions of this problem
  • 推荐英语阅读
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